Beautifully designed. Made in the USA. Handcrafted with heart in Virginia. At Rowe, we love sharing these values with you in every piece we design, created by artisans in the long-held tradition of crafting beautiful, lasting furniture. We also believe quality and responsibility go hand in hand with environmentally friendly fabrics that will stand the test of time…which makes the combination of our brand new Moreau Sofa with sustainable, plant-based Evergreen Chenille performance fabrics such an exciting partnership!
Award-winning interior designer Lori Miya showcased her livable luxurious aesthetic in this recent design featuring the timeless appeal of the Moreau Sofa, perfectly complemented by the nature-inspired, eco-friendly elegance of Evergreen Chenille performance fabric. Visit to discover more about our commitment to quality and find a retailer near you! And read on to discover how Lori embraced the style of Moreau to create an artful home with handcrafted details…